Saturday, January 1, 2011

Midline Progressions on Parallettes

“Oh my God, it’s rainin’ diamonds,” says Jeff Tucker, CrossFit Gymnastics coach, as he watches Jeannie Bassi demonstrate one of several positions requiring impressive core strength.

Beautiful gymnastics movement comes from lots of practice. Learn how you can practice planche progressions to improve your midline stabilization.

Using parallettes as an elevated platform, Tucker coaches gymnastics progressions to improve control and strength. You can develop an elevated planche by transitioning from basic tuck support to planche positions. As Bassi demonstrates, you can use a wall behind the parallettes for support and leverage. The wall helps you walk your feet into position for a straddle planche and to lower from a handstand into a straddle planche. Over time, you can move the parallettes further from the wall to provide less assistance as you develop the movements.

Watch as athletes at a CrossFit Gymnastics Certification try out the progressions and develop their gymnastics skills, and find out how these progressions can improve your own gymnastic ability and provide you with midline stability to apply to other CrossFit movements.

11min 54sec

Video by Again Faster.

Additional reading: Parallette Training Part 1 by Roger Harrell, published Feb. 1, 2006.

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