Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CrossFit Fort Vancouver: Impact of the Win

What’s it like to win the CrossFit Games Affiliate Cup? According to members of CrossFit Fort Vancouver, it’s pretty cool.

The victors returned triumphant to a gym ready to celebrate them whether they had won or not, and even before the team had left, gym members were planning to meet their returning colleagues at the airport and decorate the gym. During the events, the whole box rallied around its team and came together as a family to cheer friends on.

When the team returned, they brought a competitive spirit with them, inspiring their fellow athletes to push themselves harder to reach their goals. Many PRs were set the week after the Games, and many athletes hit their first muscle-ups and pull-ups. Also due to the win, more gym members are pursuing their Level 1 Certification in order to begin coaching, and CrossFit is becoming a more recognized name in the Portland area.

Learn how winning the Affiliate Cup can boost your membership, bring your community closer together and create more elite athletes in your gym.

Are you ready for the 2011 Games?

7min 45sec

Additional reading: Living the CrossFit Life by Dr. Allison Belger, published Oct. 12, 2010.

Christina Milian Kelly Brook Robin Tunney Kate Groombridge Dania Ramirez

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