With some of CrossFit’s top athletes in Lake Tahoe, Calif., for the Rogue Vs. Again Faster Throwdown, it was a great opportunity to throw the athletes into a room and get them talking with the cameras rolling.
In this installment, the athletes discuss the trade-off between strength gains and proficiency at body-weight movements. Tommy Hackenbruck opens the conversation by asking Chris Spealler whether 10 lb. would benefit his strength without being overly detrimental to his metabolic conditioning. He also turns the question around to ask Dave Lipson whether he would sacrifice some strength to become more competitive in body-weight movements.
According to Spealler, the goal should be performance gains, not weight gain.
“Work on your weaknesses,” Spealler says. To him, losing or gaining weight to chase performance doesn’t matter.
“Who cares as long as you are better at it?” he says.
Dave Castro asks if there is a middle ground of ideal body size for CrossFitters.
“I don’t think it’s the weight. I think it’s the strength-to-body-weight ratio,” Lipson replies.
With a cross-section of elite athletes present, the group debates the average height and weight of the firebreathers in the room to see if there really is an ideal body for CrossFit.
5min 20sec
Additional reading: Conjugate CrossFit by Chris Mason, published Nov. 15, 2010.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Olivia Munn Melissa Sagemiller Roselyn Sanchez Soft Cell
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